

Why don't the Russians restore the Soviet Union and strengthen Russia by electing the Communist Party of Russia to power?

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia's overall strength is far inferior to before. So, why don't the Russian people use elections to restore the Soviet Union since they have elections and no party ban now?

I really don't understand, that's why I'm asking. Because forums and microblogs are all saying that Russia is far inferior to the Soviet Union and the previous Soviet Russia in all aspects, and they are also very sad and nostalgic.

So why not let the Communist Party of Russia come to power and change the Russian Federation to Soviet Russia?

Because I have been on forums before and I have been anonymous.

Naive leftists think that replacing all members of the State Duma with Communist Party members can achieve a change of regime. If it were that simple, why were the Bolsheviks, who were a minority in the Constituent Assembly, able to seize power?

Tell me, why should the Communist Party be elected?

Because the Communist Party is such a political party, and farmers choose it for their own land and private property. But the Communist Party will not protect these interests, they will ruthlessly deprive everyone of their land and turn farmers into tenants of the state.

Why should workers support them? Russia now has freedom, and workers have the right to strike. After the Communist Party comes to power, workers know that they cannot strike, and they cannot even express opposing opinions.

Will the middle class and property owners support them? That is also impossible because their foundation is their own private property. If the Communist Party comes to power, their property will be confiscated, and they will fiercely oppose it to protect their interests.

Intellectuals? This is probably the most influential class, but unfortunately, even naive intellectuals understand one thing: once the Communist Party comes to power, they will all be sent to prison. Only a few favored individuals will become the party's loyal writers.

Who will accept the Communist Party? Street thugs and unemployed proletarians without proper jobs will support them with all their might because they have nothing to lose. But if they win, they will win everything. Those who have benefited from the past want to restore their lost interests and privileges. There are also senior officials within the Communist Party who will become "great mentors" in the human world. The whole country will fall silent, and no one will dare to resist the person named Zhuganov. They will live in luxury villas, have exclusive private guards and chefs. They don't care about the lives of ordinary people, and they don't need to pay their own bills.

What will the Communist Party bring? In a country that relies on energy exports, labor camps will be built one after another. The five-year plans formulated by state industrialization will turn the best people in Russia into slaves and send them to labor camps. In a country lacking support, the ubiquitous internal affairs department will closely monitor everyone. Here, privilege is reasonable, and corruption is encouraged by the general secretary. Speaking the truth and expressing different opinions are not allowed.

Are the Russian people crazy?

Obviously not.

They don't need to bring a "1984"-like world into reality.

What can the Russian people gain from sacrificing so much?

Just a job that can last until retirement and low-quality consumer goods.

Countries have endured years of communist rule and finally embarked on their own paths in 1989. No matter how bad the changes may be, no one wants to go back to the past.

After the Xinhai Revolution broke out, Liang Qichao firmly supported constitutionalism. However, as the revolution ended and the republican system was established, Liang Qichao changed his mind. He believed that although the republic had its shortcomings, returning to constitutional monarchy was not the way out. For this reason, he wrote "The So-Called National System Problem" to state his views.

The situation is the same now. After the Solidarity trade union overthrew the Polish United Workers' Party, although the economy deteriorated, the Polish people still supported the trade union and did not launch political strikes to oppose it.

Today's Russians may miss the Soviet Union, but no one wants to go back to that time. The Soviet Union is already a past era, just like the Middle Ages. Maybe there are idyllic fantasies, maybe there is a so-called knight spirit, but no one wants to go back to the Middle Ages.

Even if one day the Communist Party of Russia takes control of the country's armed forces and seizes power by force, they cannot win because there is another form of political struggle called a nationwide general strike. German trade unions used this method to defeat the fascist Kapp Putsch. Now, the various free trade unions active in Russia, if faced with threats from the Communist Party, will definitely call on the people of the whole country to engage in political strikes, just like Yeltsin did during the August 1991 events. Even if the Communist Party can now control the military and intellectuals, purge the State Duma, and purge the property owners, can they deal with the entire nation? Can they suppress strikes?

Moreover, if the banner of the Soviet Union is raised again, what will the Baltic countries, Finland, and the independent countries of Central Asia think?

Back then, Lenin's party was able to succeed because they were supported by domestic workers and foreign intellectuals and workers. Lenin promised peace and claimed to be creating a great country. But now there is no World War to provide an opportunity for the Communist Party, and intellectuals and the majority of people also see that there is no freedom in the Soviet Union, only the will of the party, no democracy, only the orders of the leaders. Being forced to be loyal to the Communist Party is the only choice. Yes, at least in the West, they still have the freedom to choose socialism. In the Soviet Union, not supporting the Communist Party means being an enemy of the state.

Farmers support them because the Bolsheviks promised to distribute land to them, but farmers could not have imagined that the Bolsheviks would later take back the land, and they themselves would become tenants of the state.

Intellectuals support them because they believe that the party created by Lenin is creating a paradise on earth, and they believe that they can find ideals here, not death.

But now these conditions no longer exist because intellectuals know very well that once the Communist Party comes to power, they will inevitably die, and farmers know that their property cannot be protected, and workers know that their right to strike will be ruthlessly deprived.

A political party that does not receive support at home and abroad is completely impossible to govern, let alone restore the Soviet Union.

By then, all the workers in Russia will unite.

As "The Crisis of Faith and the Fate of the Soviet Union" says, in order to maintain the stability of its own regime, the Soviet Union must inevitably cleanse different ideas. The Soviet Union will definitely follow the path of Stalin, advancing social development in continuous class struggle, and further intensifying class struggle in the process of social development. Because any idea that abandons class struggle will lead to a party and a state for all. It will lead to the entry of Western universal values into Russia, shaking the faith of the Russian people, and deepening the crisis of the Communist Party. In other words, once the Communist Party comes to power, it can only guarantee that the majority of people have a job, and it cannot guarantee anything else, not even the lives of every individual. I want to know who is foolish enough to vote for such a party?

This party has clearly stated that all the concepts of freedom, equality, benevolence, democracy, and the rule of law are tools of the Western bourgeoisie. The Soviet Union refuses to recognize these concepts. In the eyes of the Communist Party, these are all evil.

Speaking of which, there is a sample next door, which is North Korea. As long as the Russian people look east, they will know what kind of life a country that has truly achieved communism is living now. Capitalism may have poverty, unemployment, and tycoons, and it may also have celebrities, but no matter what, it is better than the Kim dynasty.

By the way, the reputation of the Communist Party in Eastern European countries has been ruined. The majority of Eastern European countries do not want to return to that era, let alone a considerable number of governments that have equated the sickle, hammer, and Lenin statue with the Nazis.

Even if the people in Eastern Europe support socialism, they support democratic socialism, which the Communist Party considers heretical, not the kind of socialism that the Communist Party itself talks about. They are completely different.

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